- Extensive blank walls visible from the street are not permitted.
- Windows to service rooms, such as bathrooms and laundries, should generally not be visible from the street. If these rooms are visible from the street, the use of obscure glass is required.
- Visually obtrusive and unsightly items such as hot water storage tanks, garbage bins, rainwater tanks, utility meters, air conditioning condensers, air conditioning service lines, Clotheslines, TV Antenna and garden sheds are not to be directly visible from the street/public domain. These items should also have a minimal visual impact on adjacent dwellings.
- Storage of boats, caravans or similar should not be visible from the street or public open space.
- Satellite dishes are not to be visible from the street.
- No display homes are allowed unless by Mirvac or as approved by the DRP.
- No further subdivision of allotments is permitted.
- Roof or window mounted air-conditioning units are not permitted.
- The use of solar panels within the estate is encouraged.
- An area behind the property boundary and screened from public view is required for the storage of waste bins.
Artist’s impressions as at 21.10.22: Produced prior to all planning approvals being in place and prior to commencement of development, and is therefore subject to change. The information, images and artist’s impression depicting landscaping and other amenity are intended only as a guide and are not to be relied on as a representative of the final product.