A Design Review Panel (DRP) has been established to review and approve all new dwellings and associated landscaping, subject to compliance with these Design Guidelines.
To enable the DRP to make a determination, the documents included within the DRP Application Checklist (See Appendix A) must be submitted for approval prior to lodgement of a Development Application and Construction Certificate Application with Council or an Accredited Building Certifier.
Set out step by step below is the process for buying your land, achieving development approval and constructing your new home at Cobbitty by Mirvac.
1. Land Purchase
- Purchase your selected land lot from Mirvac.
- Provide your $5,000 Compliance bond at the settlement of your Land Sales Contract in accordance with the Special Conditions within your sales contract.
- Settle on your property following registration of the land.
2. Design your home
- Ensure your architect/designer and builder are aware of the requirements within the Cobbitty by Mirvac Design Guidelines in addition to all Council and other Statutory requirements and any restrictions, positive covenants and other requirements stipulated within the Section 88b instrument. The Section 88b instrument will be annexed to your Land Sale Contract. You should ensure that you have complied with any applicable building codes, Australian Standards and any other required compliance.
- It is recommended that you begin the search for builders and/or architects early to ensure there are no delays in obtaining approvals and constructing your new home.
3. Submit plans for approval to the Mirvac Design Review Panel (DRP)
- Complete your house Development Application plans and supporting documentation including a detailed landscape design and submit to the DRP via nswcustomer@mirvac.com ensuring that the DRP Assessment Application Form and DRP Application Checklist accompany the application.
- All documents are to be sent to the DRP in ONE clearly identifiable package (See Appendix A for what documentation is to be included).
- If your DRP application requires any amendments, you will receive an email from the DRP. Your application will need to be revised and resubmitted in full as required.
4. Obtain Development Consent and Construction Certificate
- As part of your Development Application, you will be required to submit your DRP approved plans to Camden Council or Accredited Building Certifier. Camden Council or Accredited Building Certifier will assess your application and issue your development consent.
- Prior to commencing construction, a Construction Certificate is also required. Your Construction Certificate application can either be lodged with Camden Council concurrently with or following your Development Application or Accredited Building Certifier.
- If any amendments are made to your application, you will be required to resubmit your application to the Mirvac DRP for reassessment and approval.
5. Construction
- When Camden Council or an Accredited Building Certifier has issued the Construction Certificate and you have settled on your land, you are ready to start construction.
- In accordance with your Land Sale Contract, construction of your home must commence within 12 months of settling on your land and must be completed within 12 months of construction commencement.
- In accordance with your Land Sale Contract, your land lot is to be well maintained, free from rubbish and debris from the time of settlement and throughout construction.
- It is recommended that you refer to these Design Guidelines regularly to ensure all requirements are met.
6. Completion of Home, Landscaping and Fencing and Moving In
- Your home, landscaping and fencing construction by your selected builder is completed in accordance with your DRP approved plans. From here construction is complete and you are able to move in and enjoy your new home.
7. DRP Compliance Inspection
- Once your home landscaping, driveway and fencing is completed in accordance with your approved plans, contact the DRP via nswcustomer@mirvac.com to arrange a compliance inspection.
- If further works are required following your compliance inspection, you will receive an email from the DRP notifying you of the works required.
8. Compliance Bond Returned
- Once the DRP has inspected your completed home and any additional works required (where applicable), your compliance bond will be returned.
- From here construction is complete and you are able to move-in and enjoy your new home.